Orange CHM4-ES Series Horizontal Multistage Centrifugal Pump

Orange CHM4-ES Series Horizontal Multistage Centrifugal Pump


Air conditioning system Filling machinery Water supply and pressurization system Cooling system Industrial cleaning Aquaculture Water treatment application Supporting use of chiller Family water supply
Applications Limit
Thin, clean, non-combusstible, and non explosive liquid containing no solid particle or fiber Applicable to deliver tap water, alkaine mineral water, softened water or mildlycorrosive medium The use of a large-power motor must be considered when the density or viscosity of the medium delivered is hihger than that of water Medium temperature: 0℃ -70℃ for normal temperature type: 0℃ ~120℃ for hot water type Ambient temperature: 0℃ -+50℃

Model CHM4-2/2ES CHM4-3/2ES CHM4-4/2ES
Power HP 0.5 0.75 1
Power kW 0.35 0.55 0.75
Voltage 230V
Head (m) 105 115 120
Pipe Size 1.25" x 1"

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