eSteel Solar Collector Heater Series

eSteel Solar Collector Heater Series

FG-eS-180L, FG-eS-270L, FG-eS-300L, FG-eS-400L, FG-eS-450L

The eSolar Collector Heater Technology:- 1. High insulation thickness for better performance Blue selective coating as option for high performance closed loop solutions 2. Cut water heating costs by 50% - 60% 3.Freeze protected system for year round use 4. Return on investment of 6% - 15% 5. ecoENERGY grant eligible

eSteel Solar Collector Heater:- Installation service available on Klang Valley - Extra charges will be applied on outstation - Price exclude installation, dismantle, crane service (subject to house structure)

eSteel Ordering Process:- 1. Kindly enquiry us on the location that you wish to install this product 2. Delivery can be done 1-2 weeks after confirmation

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